Monday, February 22, 2010

Scrub a dub dub

I finished! I finished my first knitting project. It is by no means perfect...very imperfect actually, but I finished! I am now the proud creator of a misshapen, slightly holey, knitted washcloth!

Take a look for yourself...

You can see I made a few mistakes, and I forgot whether I should be knitting or purling a few times, but it just makes it that much more unique...don't you think?

Now, I just wish I had known I was supposed to weave in the yarn tails! I tied them in knots :) Maybe that is my next lesson.


amy'smom said...

Wow! Looks kind of "used" already! :) But, hey, congratulations on actually completing your first little project. The beginning of great things to come. Maybe you can get rich selling them on eBay - well, after you perfect your technique jjjuuusssttt a little bit!

Aunt Gail said...

Well, it is perfectly usable.

aware said...

Yes, it looks a little rough, but AK wanted to take it for share time today, so it must be somewhat likeable :)