Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Spring...Break!

Wooo hoooo! Spring Break has begun! One week of no school and warm weather. Now, to think of something to do :) My mom is coming to visit for a few days, so there will probably be some shopping going on at some point.

While we were outside yesterday we saw this pretty guy...

I was so excited at the thought of bluebirds in the bluebird house! We have had other bird nest in the box, but never bluebirds even though there are lots of them around our neighborhood. He took some time checking this box out, but I think it may have already been occupied. This morning I saw a Tufted Titmouse go in and stay a while. It was too cute because he sat looking out of the hole for a while. We have had a Titmouse family nest in there before, so maybe they came back again!

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